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Horse Power @ 1750 RPM
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Dynaflex® Couplings
For Low Frequency Vibration Isolation and Misalignment Accommodation
Compact, one-piece flexible couplings economically constructed to isolate low-frequency vibration and accommodate multi-directional misalignment.
Large Selection of Standard Sizes
Fractional horsepower couplings are available in a range of sizes to permit matching a specific coupling to your application.
Standard Construction:
- Hubs – steel
- Bores – as listed
- Set Screws – one per hub furnished but not installed
- Flexing Element – neoprene
Compact, one-piece coupling construction is convenient for small equipment with fractional horsepower requirements. Torsional deflection at rated torque assures excellent vibration isolation. Specified torque rating allows 15° angular deflection for excellent vibration isolation.
Max. recommended Misalignments: 1/32 in. parallel, 2° angular.
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Bore Dia. A (in)
Bore Dia. B (in)
Horse Power @ 1750 RPM (hp)
D Ref. (in)
E Ref. (in)
Torque Rating (lb·in)
C (in)
F (in)
1 Categories / 45 Parts